Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4: War and Peace

I know many people say they have read War and Peace, but I would guess that some of them probably haven't.  Perhaps because it appears to be 348 chapters long. Perhaps because you may find yourself rereading sentences for comprehension.  Today, for the first time, I have decided to read the classic.After the first chapter, I have to admit, it kept my interest.  The Prince and Anna had quite an interesting conversation about marrying off the Prince's son.  Mainly, it sounds like, Anatole spends too much money.  Kids!  Sheesh!  Have they changed?  I will have to investigate how much 40 thousand rubles was back then.  I figure if I read a chapter every day, by the end of this experiment, I will have read the book. There are quite a number of names with the letter "V" in odd places.  That just adds to the fun along with the 348 chapters.  As my students would say, "This book is freakin' long."

1 comment:

  1. I read that for the first time a couple of years ago, and I was pleasantly surprised - it was one of those that you want to keep reading to see what happens. On the other hand, Anna Karenina - not so much.

    Mine today was easy because I had to do it: I had the first meeting of my first ever SACS committee. I never served on a SACS committee before. It lasts for 2 years. Sigh.
