Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 8: Look Up an Old Friend

Thanks to the internet, it seems that finding your old friends is easier than ever.  As I was blogging about my college professor yesterday, I fondly remember my college friend, Teresa Rapkin.  She was the coolest friend I made at college.  She was always so generous with anything that she had.  I had an electric typewriter, but she had a Kaypro computer, which she allowed me to use anytime I needed to.  We both went to Italy as part of our Minor Studies in Italian.  She took me to parties, introduced me to people.  I even went to her parents' house in Venice, which was the biggest house I had ever been in.  I remember having a drink of Uzzo at her mom and dad's and eating a huge Italian dinner.  Terri was always so put together, nicely tanned, and most of the time, wore a skirt, which was really different for college girls in my era.  She usually drove us around, too, as my 1974 Ford Maverick didn't hold a candle to her new red Nissan stick shift.  We really lost touch after college, so I hope she remembers me.  I found her resume on the internet and sent her an email. 

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